Kelly Roach

Kelly Roach, Senior Software Engineer at UnifyID

Taj Life Game
What is Planet Quantum? Find out HERE.

Bullet Currently: I'm researching topics in symbolic integration, symbolic asymptotics, automated theorem proving, higher order logic, type theory, and program verification.
Bullet Senior Software Engineer at UnifyID. "Authenticate people, not passwords".
Bullet Senior Staff Software Engineer at Optimizely.
Bullet Principal Software Engineer at Apteligent.
Bullet 10 years at Zenprise from start (tied for "Employee #1" in a rented office) to finish (150+ person company acquired by Citrix). Inventor listed on 17 patents.
Bullet One of the 12 "main individuals" responsible for Mathematica. (Acknowledgments page xxi of Mathematica, A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer, Second Edition, published by Addison-Wesley.)
Bullet Caltech, MIT, Stanford education. Master's Degree in Computer Science.
Bullet Let's play Taj Life! Learn more HERE.
Bullet What is Planet Quantum? Find out HERE.
Bullet iOS SDK, Swift, Xcode, Android SDK, Android Studio, GitHub, JIRA, Confluence, Google Docs, JetBrains, Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML, XML, Visual Studio, C#, AWS, Math, CAS
Bullet Microsoft Certified Professional.
Bullet Published papers at refereed international conferences. LLMs for Malware Offense and Defense.
Bullet Computational Linguistics, Lexical Functional Grammar.
Bullet Multiple release cycles developing successful commercial products including UnifyID, Optimizely, Apteligent, XenMobile, Mathematica, and Maple.
Bullet You can try out code I've worked on: UnifyID, Optimizely, Apteligent and Integrals. You can buy code I've worked on: Optimizely, Apteligent, XenMobile, Mathematica, and Maple.

©2004-2024 Kelly Roach