Kelly B. Roach. Pronouns (Caltech M.S. thesis),
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Kelly B. Roach. “Symbolic-Numeric Nonlinear Equation
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Kelly B. Roach. “Hypergeometric Function
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Kelly B. Roach. “Meijer G Function
Representations”. In: Proceedings of ISSAC ’97. New
York: ACM, 1996, pp. 205–211.
David J. Jeffrey, Pratibha, and Kelly
B. Roach. “Affine Transformations of Algebraic
Numbers”. In: Proceedings of ISSAC ’05. New York: ACM,
2005, pp. 193–199.
Kelly B. Roach. LLMs for Malware Offense and
Defense. 2024.
Kelly B. Roach. Pronouns, Second Edition (Python
Version). 2024.